We provide optimal care and services.
Acupuncture is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It is now practiced worldwide as a legitimate form of medicine for the treatment of so many common health problems.
Here are some conditions acupuncture can treat
General Health
Want to function at your best? Acupuncture is an excellent way to get your body to work at its optimal performance.
- Increase Energy
- Mental clarity and improved memory
- improve immune function
- Improve digestion
This also includes keeping more serious health problems in check, for example
- Diabetes
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
Sports Injuries
Acupuncture is a proven pain management therapy.
Whether it is an old or new injury, we will get you back to good quickly.
- Headaches
- Muscular aches and pains
- Back pain
- Abdominal pain
- Acute and chronic injuries
The importance of a good nights sleep cannot be understated.
It is the time the body uses for repair and regeneration while it refreshes and recharges you for the next day.
Quality sleep is achievable with out medicating with acupuncture.
Once we help you get back to sleep many other problems you may have can naturally resolve.
We can help you with the following sleep problems
- Trouble getting to sleep
- Trouble staying asleep
- Nightmares, night terrors
- Getting up to use the bathroom
Anxiety, Stress, Depression
Your body and mind are two sides of the same coin.
When your body is stressed it will affect your mental clarity.
When your mind is overworked it will affect your body.
Let us reconnect the two and you will experience that serenity once again.
Skin Condition
The appearance of your skin reflects the health of your body.
We can provide lasting solutions to a range of skin problems without the need for medication.
- Eczema
- Psorias
- Acne
- Dry Skin
- Recurrent fungal infections
Digestive Disorders
- Bloating
- Reflux/indigestion/heartburn
Non-ACC Initial treatment $80
Non-ACC Follow up $70
Treatment under ACC $10